Putin stole the number of tests and tests in schools: Politics: Russia: Lenta.ru
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to reduce the number of tests and tests in schools. This is reported on the site The Kremlin.
The Russian leader believes that this is necessary to ensure a well-founded knowledge control regime, as well as the relevance of monitoring the quality of education in the country.
Since the beginning of the new academic year, the national flag has been raised in Russian schools. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Education Sergei Kravtsov. According to him, there should be no formalism in raising the flag. The minister is such that in many regions of Russia the ceremony exists and schoolchildren are eager to participate in it.
He also supported the idea of raising the Russian flag on a daily basis in schools. He recalled that this practice is widespread in educational institutions of many countries. “This is a good tradition,” he said.
Putin also demanded that the third school shift be eliminated by 2024. According to him, the destruction of third aid is possible thanks to the construction of new schools and the renovation of existing buildings.
In addition, the head of state announced the need to improve the system of payment for teachers. At the same time, he had to proceed from potential possibilities. The Russian leader also supported the idea that 2023 is the Year of the Teacher in the country. He noted that in 2023 the country will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky, one of the founders of Russian pedagogy.
The head of the Sirius educational center, Elena Shmeleva, at a meeting with the president, noted that people’s expectations during the implementation of the school overhaul program must be justified without bureaucracy and a formal approach to the use of allocated funds, taking into account the opinion of people at each stage of implementation. She recalled that the list of schools in need of repair, “United Russia” component is with the residents of the regions.
Shmeleva also proposed to include the purchase of educational equipment in the program for capital repairs of schools. Without it, it is impossible to create the basis of a new educational environment, new and modern interdisciplinary and creative programs, said Shmeleva. She also stressed that it is necessary and to strengthen human resources in the general education system.
Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to create a program for the overhaul of schools for the next five years at the United Russia Congress on June 19. The construction of new facilities and major overhauls of the existing ones were enshrined in the people’s program of the party.
Secretary of the General Council of United Russia, First Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Andrei Turchak said that after the overhaul, a new educational environment should appear in schools. For each specific school in the program will be assigned a deputy from the “United Russia” who will be able to regulate the relevant issues.
The Ministry of Education said that there are no plans to transfer schoolchildren to the distance format. The head of the department, Sergei Kravtsov, said that anti-epidemiological measures in Russian schools have been strengthened, only their observance will allow to continue the school year in full-time format.
The head of the department also called false information that unvaccinated children should be prohibited from coming to school. “As far as I know, the vaccine for children does not work for us (…). Research is underway, so there are no requirements regarding the non-admission of children to schools, ”he said.