Middle East Now returns to Florence from September 28th

Middle East Now returns to Florence from September 28th

Middle East Now, the festival that presents the most contemporary Middle Eastern culture through cinema, documentaries, art, comics, music, food, meetings and special events. In Florence from 28 September to 3 October 2021

(RE) -ALIGNING PERSPECTIVES is the theme of the new edition of Middle East Festival Now. As we venture into further uncertainties and in a period of transition, cinema, photography, the visual arts in general provide us with a refuge, a space of shared and mutual meaning and inspiration, an opportunity to reconsider our lives and (re) align our perspectives. Middle East now wants to win a mark, presenting titles and special projects in which this theme will be addressed in a transversal way.

The preview of 42 films awarded in the best international festivals is scheduled: 19 short films, 33 Italian premieres, 4 international premieres, 2 European premieres. A cinematic journey that touches the countries of the Middle East, increasingly at the center of the attention of politics and international media. Strong stories, characters, topical themes in the most recent titles from Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Syria, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, will know the cultures and the society of these countries, with a perspective that tries to go beyond the prejudices and clichés with which they are often represented.

It will be a 12th edition of both projections and physical events, at the Cinema La Compagnia, at the Cinema Stensen and in other city spaces – in the hall, with all the precautions and guaranteeing the public all the necessary safety – both with online projections, in the special virtual room. Più Compagnia in collaboration with MyMovies, which will give the possibility of an even higher number of viewers to preview the films.

Watch the daily program of Cinema La Compagnia and Cinema Stensen HERE Buy your tickets online to secure your seat in the hall: HERE



