In Ukraine, they offered a way to embroil Russia and Germany – Gazeta.Ru

September 27, 2021, 18:40

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Volodymyr Ohryzko said that Berlin, even under the new government, will maintain a course of cooperation with Moscow, but Kiev should change the opinion of the Germans about Russia. It is reported by RIA News”

Ogryzko believes that the FRG authorities have indicators for Russia for two persons. The first is the feeling of guilt of the Germans for the Great Patriotic War. According to the diplomat, Berlin has a “wrong perception” of the historical situation, because “the greatest losses during the war years were suffered by Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.”

The second case of Ogryzko marked the volume of the Russian market in comparison with the Ukrainian one.

“Even in recent years, despite the sanctions that the European Union has imposed on Russia, it has increased significantly more than one could imagine,” says Ogryzko.

According to the diplomat, Russia consumes “everything that is produced in Germany,” and German business does not want to give up this market. Ogryzkoal Ukraine understands its place in the “triangle”.

Earlier, the head of the “Left” faction in the Bundestag Gregor Gizi at the last pre-election rally in Berlin declaredthat sanctions and confrontation against Russia do not bring results, it is necessary to conduct a dialogue with Moscow.



