Communist mayor in Salzburg too?

Communist mayor in Salzburg too?


After the success of the CoV anti-vaccination party MFG in Upper Austria and the election victory of the communists in Graz – with a possible KPÖ mayor – such surprises are basically also possible in Salzburg. This is what the political scientist Armin Mühlböck says. However, the topic must be appropriate.

Armin Mühlböck calls it a great success for this party that the vaccination opponents of Menschen-Freiheit-Grundrechte (MFG) are now in the Upper Austrian state parliament, then it would be conceivable that such groups could also be successful elsewhere. “

Nevertheless, this is a short-term phenomenon, according to the scientist. The situation in Graz is different.

Communists on the Rise?

In the Styrian capital, the communists had a long tradition to die. But they also addressed the issue of expensive housing to new voters of all levels of education, population and income. In Salzburg, Kay-Michael Dankl, a communist – and former Green – is also on the local council. He believes that expensive living will also be a top election campaign topic in Salzburg.

Expensive living as a subversive issue?

Dankl sees a warning example for Salzburg in the big Graz election loser ÖVP: “These power games, where you don’t allow the other person, that doesn’t mean you are good. The ÖVP has to be careful in the city of Salzburg. She also has a tendency to play such power games with all other parties. You have to be careful not to let people down massively. “

Dankl wants to continue dedicating himself to the topic of living: “In some points we have already been able to implement small things. That the city is setting up its own deposit fund to relieve tenants. “

In Salzburg, which is reserved by the ÖVP by a large margin from other parties, the Landtag is newly elected in two and the municipal council in three.



