The shackle bus is the last stop in Prague. Hib also took Stkak and the needle in his hand
Together, the shackle bus passed a total of a dozen cities throughout the metropolis, where and until the last stop in Letany, medics applied a vaccine dark to 1,200 people. However, the purpose of the project was not only the shackle itself, but the goal was primarily propaganda and education.
Hundreds of people saw the bus to consult a doctor or find out more information about the vaccine and the sick covid-19.
On the last stand, Mayor Zdenk Hib grabbed the crack with a vaccine and helped out with medical help.
As a graduate, I personally piloted my hand to the debt and supported the team of our bus during its stay in Letany. I will then send a greeting to Mr Babi, who lied again from the position of prime minister on television, claiming that the opposition had never called the public to the shelter, Hib said on Twitter.
Individual bus stops have always been located in the popular cities of Praan and so where cultural events took place. The bus thus stopped at the Prague Zoo in Troja, on the rivers near Ranov and Hoejho nbe, according to you at the Olympic Festival in Stromovka or at Vstaviti Prague.
I would hand over all the Praanas to be obedient. We definitely didn’t go for the covidem-19. The only way to keep the situation under control in the autumn months is personal responsibility and prevention: testing, voluntary vaccination and compliance with hygiene measures, regardless of how the elections are taking place, added Zdenk Hib.
The whole event was covered by the contribution of the Metropolitan Medical Service organization and a medical team from MEDICON, as works with the Okovac bus. of Prague.
If you do not have time to vaccinate against coronavirus and have an interest, you will be offered a number of options throughout Prague, where the vaccine will be administered. There is a new vaccination center in the Prague Congress Center or, for example, a vaccination center in all hospitals, or if you are interested in practicing medicine.