Switzerland: Yes to same-sex marriages.  San Marino votes for abortion

Switzerland: Yes to same-sex marriages. San Marino votes for abortion

Great consensus in Swiss for the equal marriage for everyone. According to the latest projections, the referendum would have passed with 62.9% of the votes. With the confirmation of the popular vote, the same-sex marriage will be equated to the “traditional” one, including the ability to choose children.

The first real data and granted by the cantons of Nidvald, in both cases the proposal would have passed with 61% of the votes in favor. All this despite the opposition of the SVP, the Swiss populist party.

But today we also vote a San Marino to decriminalize abortion. In the oldest European republic, in fact, women risk up to three years if they have an abortion, six years instead to the doctor who performs the operation. In the microstate, however, the law is not applied: women come to have an abortion in Italy, evading the norm.

The ruling Christian Democratic Party is against the legalization of abortion. In fact, he asked to vote No to “defend the right to life”.

The law does not even protect women who undergo abortion because they are in danger of life. In fact, when a therapeutic operation is carried out in this sense, a criminal proceeding is opened and the discretion belongs to the judge, who can grant a justification only “for a state of necessity”. But the exception does not exist in the penal code.



