NFSB makes a broad patriotic union in the name of Bulgaria – ᐉ News from – Bulgaria
At its meeting today, the Political Council of the National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria decided to work for a great patriotic union. This message from the formation.
“We are convinced that you must participate in order to overcome your narrow party interests and start a common work in the name of national goals.
In the elections in April this year NFSB proposes a coalition of IMRO but it, unfortunately, was not accepted. This leads to an unacceptable situation of patriotic forces in order not to be represented in the Parliament, to confrontation and impossibility to form the government. Today, the NFSB is reaching out again, make sure that Bulgaria’s low patriotism needs broad unification.
For us, this will be a patriotic union, which must withstand its presidential candidate couple, which will defend the Bulgarian national interests.
Unification is necessary. The failure of the 45th and 46th National Assemblies showed that her opposition work piece by piece, dictated by the party to each other against each other do not lead to a result, on the contrary – lead to destabilization and division in the state.
Politically, the NFSB council strongly opposes such a nationally irresponsible performance and declares the conviction that Bulgaria does not need just patriotism, but constructive and socially useful modern patriotism “, which must be formatted.
Sofia, Bulgaria