MISS BOURGOGNE 2021: Chloé Galissi sees her “beautiful telegeny” rewarded

Saône-et-Loire takes the places in the Miss Burgundy 2021 competition with four out of five scarves. Océane Deschamps saves the honor of the Côte-d’Or. Chloé Galissi is from Chalon-sur-Saône. “We all agreed that she would be a good candidate for Miss France,” said Marine Lorphelin.

Find all the sequences of the show and all the candidates in 150 photographs.

The regional competition organized by the Miss Bourgogne committee took place this Sunday, September 26, 2021 in Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur. Nearly 1,200 people were seated in the Ogive room and 10,000 spectators watched the broadcast live on the Internet, with a peak of 2,000 simultaneous views.

Originally from Chalon-sur-Saône, Chloé Galissi won the Miss Burgundy 2021 scarf for her third participation in the competition. Saône-et-Loire was widely represented with nine candidates out of fourteen (find the presentation of the candidates). The scarves were presented by Amandine Petit, Miss France 2021, and Lou-Anne Lorphelin, Miss Bourgogne 2020.

The public followed a show, presented by Laure Mattioli, on the theme of perfumes which gave pride of place to stage outfits and video projections. The choreographies were imagined by Jessica Stroher. The original costumes of the passage “Olympea” were designed by Myriam Massot and the wedding dresses were proposed by Fan de Soie in Dijon.

“I encourage all candidates to represent themselves”

Côte-d’Orienne Océane Deschamps finished first runner-up and was already planning to reapply in 2022: “I realized that I really liked the stage, being able to wear magnificent dresses, being pampered”.

Marine Lorphelin suggested that the final choice had been particularly difficult: “there were some very good candidates who each had qualities. Océane had a lot of charisma, Chloé was more complete ”. “I encourage all candidates to represent themselves. They have a lot of potential, ”said the former Miss France.

Océane Deschamps is a student to become an English teacher (find our interview). In the next few days, it’s “back to college, life is back on track”. Of course, the one who lives in Crimolois intends to support Miss Burgundy 2021 for her next deadline.

“I am very proud and very happy to represent Burgundy for a year”

Radiant, Chloé Galissi immediately responded confidently to questions from the media: “It’s a lot of emotion, this is the third time that I have participated in this election. I was persevering, I wanted to believe in it to the end, I went to the end of my dreams. I am very proud and very happy to represent Burgundy for a year ”.

“I came determined, I took advantage, I had fun; I think maybe that’s what made the difference. After that, there were fourteen wonderful young women on stage, ”she added.

“A Miss must listen to others”

La Chalonnaise stood out by copying an electoral campaign with a towing operation (read our article): “a Miss has to listen to others, to be courteous. I went around the shops in Chalon-sur-Saône, I distributed flyers, I tried to discuss with them, to find out what they were hoping for from a Miss Burgundy ”.

“Everything happens very quickly. I will be supervised by a very good committee. The former Miss Burgundy made very good rankings for Miss France so everything should go well, ”indicates the one who now visits the national title (the two previous years, the Burgundians have finished in the top 5).

In the second year of BTS real estate, Chloé Galissi aims to pursue studies in license to open her real estate agency. She has prepared the contest as “a life accelerator” and now expects to see a surge in the number of her social media subscribers.

“It is important to take into account the televisual report for the election of Miss France”

Marine Lorphelin is the last Burgundian to have won the title of Miss France, in 2013. She underlined the strengths of Chloé Galissi: “we all agreed on the fact that she would be a good candidate for Miss France , she has a beautiful telegeny; it is important to take into account the televisual report for the election of Miss France. (…) She has a great chance to be among the finalists then everything will depend on her desire, her speaking. We are counting on her to prepare well ”.

The former winner of the national competition insisted on the modernity of the Miss: “today, all the candidates for Miss France are beautiful but they must manage to assert themselves, to be in their time, young women carriers of values ​​”.

Jean-Christophe Tardivon

Winners of the Miss Burgundy 2021 competition

Miss Burgundy: Chloé Galissi (Chalon-sur-Saône, 71)
First runner-up: Océane Deschamps (Crimolois, 21 years old)
Second runner-up: Lara Lebretton (Givry, 71)
Third runner-up: Anaïs Jacquot (Chalon-sur-Saône, 71)
Fourth runner-up: Chloé Jolivot (Montcenis, 71)
Mademoiselle Sympathie: Léa Comte (Baron, 71 years old)

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