Clear yes in Zurich to marriage for everyone

Clear yes in Zurich to marriage for everyone


Clear yes in Zurich to marriage for everyone

These are the results of the federal votes in Zurich. Here you will find all the details about the result in the community.

The results in Zurich: 79.5 percent yes to marriage for everyone


In the municipality of Zurich there was a very clear yes to marriage for everyone. 79.5 percent supported the bill.

Zurich also said yes to the registered partnership for homosexual couples in 2005. At that time, the result of the Partnership Act was 70.9 percent yes.

The community had approved the ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation last year (76.7 percent).

Yes to the 99 percent initiative in Zurich: A relatively narrow majority of 50.2 percent of those who voted supported the proposal.

In the past, the municipality had already shown itself openly to tax high-earning or wealthy people more heavily in Zurich.

The municipality said no to an inheritance tax in 2015 (53.9 percent), and in the previous year the municipality said yes (57.2 percent) to the abolition of flat-rate taxation for foreigners. Voters paid a capital gains tax in 2001 with 57 percent no.

More to come … after the end of the count throughout Switzerland.

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