Sam Tanson at the opening of the Luxembourg pavilion at the 17th Architecture Biennale in Venice
The Luxembourg pavilion of the 17th Architecture Biennale in Venice was inaugurated on September 24, 2021 in the presence of the Minister of Culture, Sam Tanson. The exhibition Housing for Luxembourg marks Luxembourg’s 9th participation in the Architecture Biennale which will take place in 2021 under the theme “How will we live together“.
The modular installation which thus invests the Sale d’Armi, designed by the delegate curator Sara Noel Costa de Araujo (Studio SNCDA) on behalf of the curator and organizer LUCA Luxembourg Center for Architecture, explores reversible lifestyles, offering a vision for a model of land reallocation as new common urban spaces and promising new forms of living together. As in previous years, LUCA was tasked by the Ministry of Culture to act as the organizer of the Luxembourg pavilion.
The Minister congratulated the organizers for having succeeded, despite the adversities linked to the pandemic, to mount an exhibition that is not only aesthetically successful, but also daring in its approach to the problem of affordable housing, by proposing modern solutions. and innovative.
The exhibition, which opened on May 22, can be visited until November 21, 2021.
Communicated by the Ministry of Culture