Instructions for applicants for teaching and research positions

A person performing a teaching and research mission at a university must be proficient in the language in which he or she is to provide instruction.

In universities where the degree can be completed in both Finnish and Swedish, the person performing the teaching and research task is also required to have at least satisfactory oral and written Finnish and Swedish skills. The University may grant an exemption from these language proficiency requirements in accordance with the Code of Conduct.


These requirements cover all tasks in Swedish.

When the language of instruction is Swedish, the recommended language proficiency for the successful completion of the task corresponds to the level C2 Within the framework of the Common European Framework of Reference. At the discretion of the faculty C1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Europe, may be accepted as a minimum requirement for the Swedish language.

During the application process, language skills will be demonstrated through documents, an interview and a presentation of teaching. If necessary, applicants may be asked to clarify their language skills.

Language skills can be checked in the following ways
  • An official’s language proficiency certificate, a national language proficiency certificate or Swedish language proficiency demonstrated through studies may be used as part of to demonstrate proficiency in the Swedish language as follows:
  • Official’s language proficiency certificate: excellent oral and written skills (C 2), good oral and written skills (C 1)
  • National language certificate: skill level 6 (C 2), skill level 5 (C 1)
  • Studies:
    • Education completed in Swedish and matriculation examination in Swedish at maturity / matriculation examination in at least magna cum laude approbatur in Swedish as a mother tongue / matriculation examination with at least eximia cum laude approbatur in Swedish as a second language (C 2)
    • Education completed in Swedish / university maturity test in Swedish / matriculation examination in Swedish as a mother tongue / matriculation examination with at least magna cum laude approbatur in Swedish as a second language (C 1)

Instead of or alongside the certificate, proficiency in Swedish may also be demonstrated in other ways. When assessing candidates, language skills will be taken into account both when assessing their suitability for the post in question and their mutual ranking.


In practice, teaching and research assignments require a good command of English.



