First health education in the Netherlands starts in Limburg | 1Limburg

Fontys University of Applied Sciences recently started the bachelor’s degree in health.

The training focuses not only on prevention in health care, but also on innovations in the health landscape. The program started with nine students, but the educational institution wants to work with sixty students eventually.

Joke Manders, who helped start the course, is proud of the new study, which she says is the first in the Netherlands. “With this training we try to make a contribution to the aging population and healthcare costs that we have in society. We want to contribute to this by utilizing healthcare innovations.”

Prevention staff
The training is intended to train prevention employees who can work in industries. This includes schools, municipalities and healthcare institutions. The aim is to make people healthier when they need medical care.

Front porch
That is also how they think at Cohesie in Venlo. One of the training partners. 100 general practitioners are affiliated with this organization who often have overcrowded agendas and are no longer able to cope with their work. According to Jessica van den Boorn of Cohesie, it is quite possible that in the future you will have a portal with your GP. If the citizen may need medical care, but are in doubt about this, the students can guide the citizen in this.



