The monitoring group calls on the EC to step up monitoring of Bulgaria
Photo: EPA / BGNES
The monitoring group calls on the European Commission to monitor Bulgaria and audit European funds, including the Prevention and Sustainability Mechanism.
This is stated in the statement of its chairman Sofia in ‘Veld’, distributed after the end of the visit of the MEPs to us.
Modern group monitoring limits the constraints of caretaker government to cope with the regulation of challenges. However, lawmakers are encouraged by the cabinet’s commitment in Sofia to use the tools on offer. They will continue to closely monitor this in Bulgaria.
The situation with freedom and pluralism of the media in the country continues, if it is secured, announced in ‘t Veld.
Authorities need to step up efforts to improve Wednesday’s work and the safety of journalists, as well as to ensure their independence. The high degree of media concentration and the lack of transparency in the allocation of money from the public budget and the EU fund must be at the top of the political agenda, the statement said.
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