Štrukelj: Any vaccine that is so available is so great

Štrukelj: Any vaccine that is so available is so great

Improvement is taking place in hospitals. The number of occupied beds with covid patients is 134, of which 42 patients are treated in intensive care units. Two patients with covid-19 died on Sunday. Since the beginning of the epidemic in 2020, 4,406 patients with covid-19 have died in Slovenia.

Photo: Twitter / NIJZ

The seven-day average of the infection is currently 147, the 14-day incidence has dropped below 130. According to the Slovenian traffic light, we have been in the green phase for some time, and according to the European scales we have moved to the orange phase.

Summer is coming and with summer, the number of new coronavirus infections is clearly declining. The southern hemisphere of the world, which moves in the winter, is better burdened with new infections, “commented the current trend of new infections on the director of the Institute of Public Health Milan Krek.

Photo: Twitter / NIJZ
Photo: Twitter / NIJZ

In Slovenia, the number of actively infected is also possible, which is currently at 2730. Due to the various viruses that are already present and are likely to develop, according to Krek, it is always necessary to keep in mind protected measures.

Statistical review of coronavirus in Slovenia

Mass vaccination this week without ordering at multiple locations

Vaccination without ordering

Vaccination continues. Competent, on the contrary, to continue to limit the epidemic of covida-19 most helped vaccination. “Vaccination effectively delays the epidemic. We are dealing with as much as 70 percent better different virus than the one in the autumn wave, and if we did not have a vaccine, the situation would be much worse. We can now open up society as we have many people who are already immune to the disease, “Krek pointed out.

There are currently enough vaccines in Slovenia, and in the coming days vaccination centers across the country will hold open days when vaccination will be impossible without ordering, and at the same time it will be possible to apply for a digital identity when vaccinated at the same center.

Currently planned sites for vaccination without ordering, where about 150,000 cases of vaccine will be sent.
Currently planned sites for vaccination without ordering, where about 150,000 cases of vaccine will be sent.

A call to local communities to find immobile seniors

According to the National Institute of Public Health, there were 768,000 people in Slovenia with at least one dose against covid-19, and more than 547,000 people were fully vaccinated. About 37 people are vaccinated, 26 of them. If we add those who have already become infected with new coronaviruses, according to Krek, 56 adults are protected with the first adapted one.

The director of the NIJZ, Krek, asked the local community to be actively involved in the search for the elderly who were not involved and did not have the opportunity to get to the vaccination center, and bring them to the vaccination.

Changes in recommendations, vaccination with AstraZeneca continues

The collection registered for the vaccination of teenagers is still ongoing

However, they are still collecting applications for vaccinating teenagers, Krek adds, and when that number is high enough, they will organize vaccinations on special days at vaccination centers.

Encouraging vaccination will also be a topic of the Science Conference, which is involved in the organizing committee, so that vaccination is both a scientific and a civilizational achievement, as well as to reduce solidarity in responsibility towards those who cannot or should not be vaccinated due to personal circumstances. access to vaccines.

If people don’t want to sign up, we’ll have trouble in the fall, “warned the director of the NIJZ.

Krek attributes the decline in infections to vaccination

What will happen to AstraZenece?

After the water vaccination strategy at the European Medicines Agency Marco Cavaleri In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Stampa, he said that vaccination with Astrazeneca’s covid-19 vaccine could be abandoned if enough other vaccines are available, so he contacted the European Medicines Agency and stressed that the use of this vaccine would weigh the dangers. in all age groups, and especially in those over 60 years of age. Sam Cavaleri later stated that “his words were not correctly interpreted correctlyOn Sunday evening, the title of the article in the article was also changed by La Stampa, adding clarifications with subsequent comments by Marca Cavaleria.

For now, however, Astrazeneca remains in use. So far, we have received more than 626,000 users of this vaccine in Slovenia, consumed less than half, otherwise 264,000 users. AstraZeneca vaccine is also expected to be used in centers where people can show up without tapping. Krek says it’s because we have this vaccine the most.

La Stampa “misinterpreted” the statement about AstraZeneca

As Televizija Slovenija said in Odmevi Borut Štrukelj with the Faculty of Pharmacy, otherwise there is a possibility that over time, vector vaccines, i.e. Astarzenece and Johnson & Johnson, would completely replace the mRNA vaccine. “I’m glad that the EMA responded immediately, given that we now have another new side effect on AstraZeneca, we can talk similarly with Johnson & Johnson. I emphasize that these are very, very rare side effects, but it’s still associated with blood clotting or. he explained. Although these are very rare side effects, Štrukelj emphasized that safety is first and foremost very important.

He emphasized that all the vaccines available were excellent, but that individuals in whom the use of vector vaccines could be partly the cause of deteriorating health had every right to start on a conventional vaccine.a. “The first of these vaccines will be Novavax, which will most likely be registered in the summer months,” he announced, adding that more and more vaccines will be available over time.

You can watch the full conversation in the video below.

Borut Štrukelj on AstraZeneca and the choice of vaccine



