San Marino, Alessandra Bruschi leaves ISS – Chronicle
The pandemic, the vaccination campaign, but also costs to limit, retirements and the lack of nurses. It was not a year and a half of simple work for the director general of the ISS, Alessandra Bruschi by now arrived to say goodbye. She will remain in office until the end of this month and it is time for her to take stock. Starting right from the covid, from that second wave which, just like the first, also swept San Marino at the end of last year. “Unlike the first wave, in the second – explains the director of the Institute …
The pandemic, the vaccination campaign, but also costs to limit, retirements and the lack of nurses. It was not a year and a half of simple work for the director general of the ISS, Alessandra Bruschi by now arrived to say goodbye. She will remain in office until the end of this month and it is time for her to take stock. Starting right from the covid, from that second wave which, just like the first, also swept San Marino at the end of last year. “Unlike the first wave, in the second – explains the director of the Institute for Social Security – our goal was to minimize closures and restrictions, both to keep health and social health activities active, and to support of economic activities “. Supported and then started with the vaccination campaign, mainly to be managed with Sputnik serum. “I will remember the V day as one of the best days of my life – he says – The vaccination campaign was a great team game and social solidarity. We have carried out a massive campaign, in less than three months, with an adhesion that over 75 percent of the population goes. “Then the costs to be filed.” The budget of the Institute for the first year, 2020, is not incremental in health costs – Bruschi recalls – despite the pandemic and the absorption of stabilizations ” .
In the list of things carried out, from the health and social health plan to the development of the home-based group, also the electronic health record and the start of the reorganization of primary care which “will require a cultural and organizational change – explains the director – The development of the project preliminary of the new hospital is the symbol of the relaunch of San Marino healthcare, an act due to the professionals who work here, as well as for the San Marino citizens themselves “.
Finally, a clarification on the things he would have liked to do, but that the Covid contingency has
“I would have liked to have been more actively involved with associations, organizations and voluntary groups with respect to the present and future projects of the ISS, as well as to know the many professionals who work here in a collaborative way”. Then hope, after the usual thanks. “I hope that everyone has attention and love for this Institute, the level of San Marino wellfare is even higher than that of the Nordic countries which are characterized by high standards. The hope is therefore to be careful and manage it well, to support those who work there. . I wish everyone to be able to work as a team because the ISS is not only the tool of welfare, but the symbol of this country. The theme of gratuity is not taken for granted. In San Marino we do things that we dream of in Italy “.
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