In Denmark, measures are being relaxed. October is supposed to be like life before the epidemic.
In addition, Denmark plans to publish its human certificates on the same date, with other people showing the body that their test for new coronavirus is negative, or that they are so resistant to the virus, and now need them for various activities.
“We can start everything if we have to give up, as we now have the epidemic under control,” is a journalist according to the French news agencies AFP, said the Danish Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke.
As of 14 June, protective masks will no longer be mandatory in Denmark, except in public passenger transport during peak hours and for standing passengers. The measure is expected to be lifted on September 1st.
Bars and restaurants will be open until midnight from 11 June. They currently have to close the door by 11 p.m. From July 15, they will be open until 2 p.m. Nightclubs will be able to open on September 1, but researchers will be required to show a covid certificate by October 1 upon entry.
From 1 August, the covid certificate will no longer be mandatory for admission to museums, cinemas and theaters, from 1 September for bars and restaurants.
Up to 10,000 people will be able to attend public events in Denmark from 14 June. The exception will apply to the four matches of this year’s European Football Championship, which will be held in Copenhagen, where it will be able to accommodate up to 25,000 spectators. Initially, up to 16,000 spectators were expected. The Danish Football Association has therefore already announced that it will allow a review of spectator numbers that do not apply to the first match, which will take place on Saturday, when Denmark will play against Finland.
The Danish covida-19 epidemic ended relatively well. There are currently 122 covid patients in Danish hospitals, the lowest since October last year. In a country of 5.8 million people, 24.2 percent of the population is fully covered, 42.7 percent of whom received the first dose of covid-19 vaccine.
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