IBM leaves classic ground – IT24
In the mid-1970s, IBM needed a new and larger head office in Stockholm, eventually sticking to a plot on the northern edge of Järvafältet, an area that was then almost undeveloped, but which became a first part of what it is today. -mecked Kista.
This is how IBM itself writes about how it went when the house was to be built:
“The construction site was fenced in, not to keep unauthorized people out but to keep the construction workers away from the nature they wanted to preserve. The fence stood long distances just two meters from the future walls. The result was a unique and easy-care area that landscape architects can also make study visits to. According to the original plans, the office building would have consisted of four sections, but while the first was being built, it was decided to add extra space by adding a fifth section to the northwest. When the house was ready to move in in the autumn of 1978, it had office space for about 750 people ”.
But soon IBM’s time in the classic house is over. The plans for the new area are not completely clear, but it is practical for student housing and / or other residential buildings.
This is what he says about the plans to leave the classic house in the woods:
– Yes, that’s what I think is the idea. In the long term, we will review which premises we need.
But according to Lennart Malm, this is not the case for IBM.
– We will stay in Kista. This is a house that has lived a long time, but we will leave the building. It is a matter of adaptation to the business.
But not at all will IBM leave its classic house. The large data center there will remain on the site.
And exactly what will happen in the area thus remains to be seen. Olle Rundgren, who is responsible for communications at Hus och Nya Hem, says that he does not want or can give any clear information at present.
– No, it is not concrete at the moment, but as it is now, there are many plans. I would think that it will clear up in the summer, he says.
Jonas Norberg, area manager for Kista at the Development Office in the city of Stockholm, says this about the area’s future:
– The plans for the area in the northwest Kista business area where IBM’s site has been designated as an area where housing and businesses can be developed in line with the structural plan for Kista Science City that was developed as early as 2003. I lined up with structural plans that have areas such as Kista farm and The coffin height was built. I direct connection to IBM’s area is Kista which is proposed to contain about 1,300 homes, and there on going and detailed planning process right now.
He points out, however, that it is still IBM that has the land lease on the land.
– IBM’s area is located next to Kista farm and Kista meadow and is also designated as possible for housing development. When this happens and to what extent is controlled by the lessee to the area, which is IBM.
No one in the area can have missed building fully in Kista and the dialogue between IBM and the City of Stockholm is no longer particularly new.
– The city has been in talks with IBM for a long time to see how the development of their plot of land could involve the housing development that has begun in Kista farm and follow the structural plan for Kista Science City. Exactly what will happen in the area is not clear in this situation and we must make a formal decision in the development committee in the area can be developed in detail for other activities than that it is there today, says Jonas Norberg.