Holy Thursday begins the Holy Triduum
At the Confirmation Masses, the bishops consecrate the olive oil to the Holy Confirmation, which they use throughout the year for baptisms and confirmations. This time, however, each diocese will determine the date of the Confirmation Mass itself, when the priests will receive the holy oils.
At the evening Masses on Maundy Thursday, Christians commemorate Jesus ’last supper with the apostles. In doing so, they renew the rite when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, which this time will be the same as last year. relaxed.
Priests will exceptionally be able to have the evening machine at 6 p.m. uri in a closed church without believers. The evening Mass on Maundy Thursday will be broadcast from Ljubljana’s cathedrals at 6.30 pm by Radio Ognjišče. After the evening Mass, the church bells will ring. In the vernacular, they say that “the bells go to Rome.” They will report again after the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night.
Holidays in the home circle
Archbishop of Ljubljana Stanislav Zore and an evangelical bishop Leon Novak In their address before the Easter holidays, they called on the middle believers to spend the holidays at home, in the immediate family circle, and to attend services and masses at a distance. They invited invitations to take measures and vaccinations. Protecting health is a moral duty, Zore stressed. He reminded that this year’s Easter will be the second during the epidemic, when from Holy Thursdays to Easter weeks there will be no services and masses in churches with the presence of believers. He called on the faithful to prepare the most Easter rites that can be performed in the circle of family and households together with the locals.
Catholics and evangelicals celebrate Easter together, while Orthodox believers celebrate the rule later because of the use of the second calendar. Orthodox people in Slovenia will celebrate Easter on May 2 this year.
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