High bonuses are the drivers of money laundering in Switzerland

The money laundering scandals are mounting: UBS is threatened with a three billion Swiss franc fine for allegedly helping French clients with tax fraud. Several other Swiss banks have to deal with the federal prosecutor’s office, which follows the trail of billions that have disappeared from the Lebanese central bank. And more than 30 other financial institutions are involved in the latest corruption money scandal from Venezuela – including Julius Baer, ​​Société Générale and Bank Leu, which belongs to Credit Suisse.

The Venezuelan elite around President Nicolás Maduro (58) is said to have laundered over nine billion francs in their accounts in recent years. A large part of the black money has already left Switzerland: Now it is in luxury watches and yachts of high-ranking officials of the mouse-poor South American country. Geneva and Zurich public prosecutors, federal prosecutors and the Financial Market Authority (Finma) investigate.



