Toulouse: school staff mobilized to denounce “degraded reception conditions”

At the call of the Sud CT 31 Toulouse town hall union, around a hundred agents working in Toulouse schools gathered on the Place du Capitole this Thursday afternoon to describe “degraded reception conditions for children”. The protesters among the technical agents, Atsem, animators, or even school life auxiliaries, manifested themselves in particular against the non-replacement of absent personnel.

This is the case for example of this Atsem wishes to testify anonymously. “From August 23, we were understaffed, the girls fall one after the other and are not announced. There are not enough of us and the health protocol further accentuates the workload. Those who lay down new laws like increasing working hours do not realize what they are asking for! “

“We only do conflict management!”

“We are supposed to work with school life assistants, but there aren’t any! », Also testifies Jean-Christophe, animator for 12 years. “We must therefore take care of children with behavioral problems to the detriment of others. We only do conflict management and guarding! »Claire, sign” I am not a zero “plastered on the back, is of the same opinion. “We are supposed to work on society and the autonomy of children, but we can no longer do that work. We run everywhere and there are not enough of us. We would like to have permanent contracts and be at 28 hours, and not at 8 pm ”, denounces the animator in kindergarten. The demonstrators also demanded the revaluation of their salaries. In animation, many of them do not touch more than 550 euros per month.

At around 3 p.m., the demonstrators joined the procession of teachers. They denounced in particular the reductions of posts in the secondary.

Jean-Christophe, animator for 12 years, earns 540 euros per month. He says “get by” thanks to his wife’s salary.



