Volt candidate highlights concern about seismic risk in Lisbon – Observer

The candidate of Volt Portugal for the presidency of the Lisbon Chamber, Tiago Matos Gomes, said this Wednesday that the population’s receptiveness to the party’s action “has been very positive” and highlighted the concern with seismic risk.

“Reception has been very positive, we have been visiting 24 parishes in Lisbon over the past few weeks and people are very curious to understand, on the one hand, what the Volt is and what this new party means and, on the other, On the other hand, what are the proposals that the Volt has for the city of Lisbon”, said Tiago Matos Gomes.

This Wednesday, the party was in the parishes of Benfica and São Domingos de Benfica, “distributing leaflets and talking to people”, said the Volt candidate in statements to Lusa news agency, by telephone.

Tiago Matos Gomes reported that he has been talking to a population about his concern with seismic risk, housing and also bicycle paths.


In his view, cycle paths should be developed “Seriously, how is it done in Copenhagen [Dinamarca]”, and “no bike paths for statistics”, as, he said, happens in Lisbon.

The quality of the public space is another of the Volt’s concerns, which it considers a theme “little mentioned in this campaign”. According to Tiago Matos Gomes, it is necessary to have quality public spaces and free walks.

The “great high point” of the party’s electoral campaign, he said, was a “Great ruckus” with the president of Volt Europe, an initiative that featured a video projection.

Tiago Matos Gomes, former journalist, was born in Chiado, Lisbon, on April 25, 1975.

Son and grandson of soldiers, he lived in various parts of the country when he was a child, but currently lives in Lisbon.

On Sunday, Fernando Medina (PS / Livre coalition), Carlos Moedas (PSD / CDS-PP / PPM / MPT / Aliança), Beatriz Gomes Dias (BE), Bruno Horta Soares (IL) are running for the presidency of Lisbon , João Ferreira (PCP), Nuno Graciano (Enough), Manuela Gonzaga (PAN), Tiago Matos Gomes (Volt), João Patrocínio (Ergue-te), Bruno Fialho (PDR), Sofia Afonso Ferreira (We, Citizens!) And Ossanda Líber (We are all Lisbon movement).

In Portugal, there are 308 municipalities (278 on the mainland, 19 on the Azores and 11 on Madeira) and 3,092 parishes (2,882 on the mainland, 156 on the Azores and 54 on Madeira).



