The city after the pandemic, public meeting
Genoa – Thursday 23 September 2021, at 5.30 pm at the Giardini Don Acciai (Via Napoli), a public meeting is held organized by the Coordination of the Oregina – Lagaccio Associations, Spi Cgil, Fnp Cisl, Uil Pensionati entitled The city after the pandemic.
Genoa – The project is at the center of the event The city of 15 minutes dedicated to a new type of society, made up of relationships and services and therefore closer to citizens: neighborhood associations, trade unions, the President of the Municipality Andrea Carratù, the director of the monthly “La Città” Luca Borzani and Don speak about it. Parish priest entirely Doragrossa of NS della Provvidenza.
This event was updated with new information on 09/22/2021 at 11:22 am.
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