The Créativa nursery aims to be a “nursery” for business creators in Greater Avignon
Setting up in a business incubator in these times of health crisis is a real plus for entrepreneurs who want to get started. Créativa organized an open day at Agroparc on Tuesday. The opportunity to discover the advantages of this real nursery for business creators.
“Our mission is to support and host companies during their first year of activity” – Laurence Dentaud, director of Créativa
The Créativa nursery currently supports company certification. “Our mission is to support and host companies during their first year of activity. This allows you to be part of a community, an ecosystem that allows you not to be alone because often entrepreneurship is a lonely adventure. It can be heavy at times. There, we are never alone when we are on Créativa “, explains Laurence Dentaud, its director. “It is also a good way to develop its activity and its business, since some companies can become customers or suppliers. The nursery also makes it possible to benefit from a whole bunch of shared services with attractive prices. “
“Here, we are accompanied by a mentor who brings us his experience, his advice” – Anne, business creator
And it feels good to be cocooned when you start. This young Avignon entrepreneur jumped at the chance. Anne Morin launched his translation agency called Towords three years ago : “I went through all the stages, first in domiciliation, then in shared offices and finally there, for a year, in a permanent office on the nursery. what is good here is that we feel followed. There is also a mentoring system and that is great because we are accompanied by a mentor who brings us his experience, his advice. It is all the more important when you are alone in the company like me, you feel a little carried “.
The mentors of the Créativa incubator are business leaders who come to advise those who are starting out. Being surrounded and accompanied was all the more important for Myriam Dugnas. She created Little Leon, an online store for children aged 0 to 3, at the very start of the health crisis: “I started at the start of confinement and finally, it was an opportunity for us since there were no longer any offers for mothers and future parents.“
Myriam Dugnas continues to take off at the nursery: “We are a young company that is just eighteen months old and now three in the company and things are going pretty well. We even had to expand since our warehouse was no longer sufficient for us to manage logistics.“.
You find all the practical information on Créativa, the business incubator of Grand Avignon, on his website.