According to Impf-Sager on oe24.TV: Kickl sued Wolfgang Rosam

Rosam had with Fellner! LIVE claims that the FPÖ boss secretly had himself vaccinated.

FPÖ boss Herbert Kickl takes legal action against Wolfgang Rosam. The background is Rosam’s claim in the program ‘Fellner! Live ‘from September 16, 2021, after which Herbert Kickl secretly had himself vaccinated. “This allegation of fact, expressed as a suspicion, is wrong. With his statements, Rosam implicitly assumes that Herbert Kickl is pursuing a mendacious policy that would have to result in his resignation Message recipients, also in this case the audience, understand Rosam’s remarks, ”said media attorney Christoph Völk.

Video on the subject:
Fellner! LIVE: The poll of the week

“Whether or not someone gets vaccinated against Corona must be his or her free decision. That is the freedom of access. I am not vaccinated. But Wolfgang Rosam insinuated that I was lying to the public about my vaccination status. My vaccination status shouldn’t really matter to Rosam – just as it’s none of my business. But he was obviously interested in undermining my political credibility through fake assumptions and their reproduction. I won’t put up with that, we’re taking legal action against Rosam, ”said Kickl in a broadcast.

Rosam does not withdraw allegation

Wolfgang Rosam commented on the lawsuit against AUSTRIA. “I think it’s good that Mr. Kickl tries to help the courts. Because then we can also clarify his unbelievable false statements that there are lots of vaccinated people in the intensive care units. I do not withdraw my assertion, it was in the subjunctive and there is also this rumor. ”

Video on the subject:
Wolfgang Rosam on complaint from FPÖ



