The age of leaving the paternal home has risen
The individual are the policies in European Union aimed exclusively at young people. In countries where there is a developed policy for residence, usually young people are from the beneficiary groups together with other vulnerable groups. However, there are also some interesting social initiatives, which aim exclusively at attracting younger employees.
The Housing Europe is the federation of institutions or companies, state or associates, that provide social housing. Italy’s Alice Pitini is the lead researcher at the observatory, which has set up an organization. “If we look at the countries with better statistics, it is obvious that in the Nordic countries young independents are meant.” says to “K”“But this is not exclusively related to social reasons but also to the tradition that exists in these countries in social housing, a tradition that also exists in France, Germany and Austria.”
As a result of the crisis, in many European countries the age of leaving the family home has increased. Each country the other way around. “In France there is a political housing subsidy for young people, while in Denmark young people have been entitled to social housing for 16 years. What seems to be missing from Greece is the social encouragement of young people for independence. In addition, in Greece there is a serious issue in the field of employees, in terms of the number of trips, their quality and the price at which they are offered “.
The most interesting European examples are usually collaborative initiatives supported by local government. “In Spain, many social housing institutions have made agreements with universities to attract students to residential complexes dominated by the elderly. They are offered low rents, in exchange for playing a role in the collective management of the complexes and participating in activities with the elderly. In general, in Spain, many social bases for social housing have been developed, supported by the local government “.
What can be a solution in countries like Greece? “Definitely a classic solution is to convert vacant, public or private, real estate into residential buildings for young people, with affordable inconvenience. Experience shows that the schemes that will take such initiatives must have an economic scale to be sustainable – the fragmentation that works positively – and must have the active involvement of local government, which is better aware of the conditions and needs in each region. Also, a solution that could be a policy aimed at restoring, always with affordable guilt, real estate leased through Airbnb. I could, for example, take on a municipality to attract landlords and create a stock of such properties through incentives – such as debt guarantee – and tax exemptions. “A positive development for housing is the large reduction in demand for new office space in city centers, a development related to the coronavirus and remote work.”