all the collective West to isolate Belarus have failed

all the collective West to isolate Belarus have failed

September 13, Minsk / Corr. BELTA /. All the collective West to isolate Belarus have failed. This opinion was expressed to a BelTA correspondent by the head of the department of sociology of public administration of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Nikolai Shchekin.

The modernization of integration processes in the format of the Union State determined the development strategy of Belarus; Belarus abandoned the colonial system of the West. Economic security and economic security of the country. Nikolay Shchekin.

According to him, Belarus faced a tough, deeply layered aggression from the collective West.

“Today, in the west of the Union State and along the perimeter of the CSTO, the risks and challenges have significantly increased. Against the background of the ongoing hybrid war against Belarus, a set of measures is required to ensure sovereignty and independence. military-political structures under the new realities. ”The result of their activities is obvious – around the world dozens of wanderers have been destroyed, millions of their citizens have been killed, and without trial or investigation hang in secret CIA prisons, being tortured. the defectiveness of the bloc itself. In turn, the lack of political will in Brussels leads the collective West into a geopolitical impasse and deprives the peoples of their countries of the future. ”

In this situation, Nikolai Shchekin names the most used scenario for Belarus – to strengthen security, sovereignty and economy within the framework of the Union State.

“The generation of 28 program programs of the Union State has become one side, a qualitative leap in the development of the two states, with the other, a crushing blow to Western ideology. Belarus is not going to pay for the aggressive policy of the West and the interests of transnational corporations that make money on the migration crisis. President Alexander Lukashenko as a national leader won another, but double victory – he realized his strategy-dream of the Union State and the unique civilizational perspective of the future of the Belarusian people. On the one hand, the fugitives turned into European rubbish, on the other, the collective West became hostage to its illusions. “

Moreover, according to the political scientist, with the help of which we will witness the crisis of entire sectors of the economy of those countries that have entered against us, thereby undermining the confidence of their citizens and causing ourselves economic damage.

“On the eve of the Day of National Unity, which will be celebrated for the first time in the country on September 17, Belarus, having passed the difficult path of growing up, defended its sovereignty, kept the peace and became, on a geopolitical scale, a country-symbol of freedom and historical truth,” Nikolai Schekin summed up. –



