Long columns, snail’s pace. The staff of TV Nova tested traffic in Prague
The exchange of views between President Zeman and Prague Mayor Hřib will once again highlight the difficult traffic situation in Prague. The TV Nova crew tried out how people drive in the metropolis on Wednesday. The biggest problems were in the morning and then in the afternoon, when most Praguers travel between their homes and jobs.
Driving at a snail’s pace, that’s how it looks in the morning on the most common Prague roads. In some places, convoys are formed and drivers suffer on their way to work. “Instead of 45 minutes, as I drive every day, I drove for over an hour and a half,” the driver described.
In some places, it is almost impossible to include a two, and radars showing the average speed seldom exceed a single-digit number. The turning lane in front of the Nuselský Bridge on náměstí Míru in the morning is more reminiscent of a car park. This is due to the narrowing of roads due to road work, and there are several such places in Prague.
Around lunch, the car partially disappears from the metropolis and for a while it is possible to drive quite smoothly. Around 4 pm, the traffic situation in Prague deteriorates again due to people returning from work. “It’s awful, especially the Southern Link, it’s crazy there,” said another driver.
It happens somewhere, even though the traffic light is green. According to some drivers, however, they are not much worse on the road than in previous years. “After the covid, when we got used to the fact that there is no big traffic, it seems to us now as if it’s worse. It’s hard to compare if it’s worse or better, but it seems pretty awful to me,” he described the situation. of drivers.
In addition, the situation in Prague is complicated by frequent accidents, which cause drivers more wrinkles on their foreheads. For example, on Tuesday, clock columns formed in Barrandov due to the collision of two buses.
Jan Houška TN.cz