Prague has taken the first step towards building a solar power plant crack
Rada hl. At that meeting, the City of Prague approved a proposal for the establishment of a new city subsidiary of the organization, the main area of which will be the preparation, construction and operation of the solar power plant, using mainly buildings owned by the City of Prague. msta. The establishment of the organization of the Prague Renewable Energy Association is the fulfillment of one of the points of the Climate Action Plan of the City of Prague, which was approved by the City Council. of Prague in May this year. In the event that the new organization will also dedicate the development of heat and gas production of renewable origin.
Climate change of the City of Prague by 2030 as a strategy for reducing CO emissions2 in the capital city of Prague sweat until 2030 with a massive development of energy from renewable sources. To meet Cle snit CO emissions2 by 20% by 2030, Prague will meet the requirements for the installation of solar power plant walls, or cogeneration units for biomethane, about 20,000 buildings. The capital is fulfilling several new megawatts of green energy from these new sources.
Nov zzen pspvkov organizace hl. The City of Prague can not only prepare and implement the construction of a new source of energy and heat, but also operate the sources. Simply put, we want to build and operate a sunny solar power plant on hundreds of city buildings, such as bicycles, rows or social service homes, which will supply Praanm with green electricity, the price of which will not be as pressurey as in the case of coal-fired electricity, k Petr Hlubuek is the mayor of the environment. In addition, this electricity will not be charged by distribution fees, which today, in about 30 percent of the price that Praan pays for energy, dodv nmstek Hlubuek.
The first economy will be a great motivation in five years not only for the capital. The city of Prague, as well as private entities, use sources of electricity and heat. The new organization will therefore function as an advisory and contact point for citizens of the city and the first people who will want to participate in the creation of energy communities, and thus participate in the recovery of energy from renewable sources. In addition to the fact that the consumption of electricity produced in the city means a dispute through the reduction of external supplies and distribution fees, today we are watching the jump in the price of conventional electricity produced from fossil sources, especially coal, due to rising prices of emission allowances. At present, the capital The City of Prague will open the possibility of investing support for the construction of a green source of electricity and heat from parties and European funds. The use of these subsidized titles and the preparation of the project will be around the new organization of the Prague organization of renewable energy communities.
Hl. m. Such an object is on the ground hl. m. Prahy vce ne 7 tisc. They are combined objects for education (more than 1 thousand buildings), for social elements (several hundred objects), for subtle living (more than 1 thousand buildings) and gave civic amenities (hundreds of buildings). Fulfilled for the year 2022 with the selection of the contractor and the subsequent implementation of a pilot project of simultaneous construction of a total of 40 solar power plants on selected schools, social and cultural facilities, describes the full new contributions of the organization at pt msce Petr Hlubuek. For these projects, we have given her enough support from Operan’s environment program, dodv Hlubuek.
In addition to repairs and construction of solar power plant cracks, there will also be a project for energy disputes around the organization’s new contributions. buildings where new green resources will be located. One thing is to be able to produce green energy, but just as important is to be able to use it efficiently. Therefore, reducing the energy efficiency of buildings is the same priority as the installation of green resources, emphasizes the town of Hlubuek.