New big projects are coming in the center of Athens
She wants to “build” her image for the residents and the child with a look at the next day of the pandemic Athena, post projects which have been launched, to include, among others, from the mega project of street lighting, to the restoration of sidewalks in the shopping triangle, in addition of course the reconstruction and renovation of the lower Syntagma Square that have already preceded the municipality. In relation to the latest developments in the field of street lighting, the Economic Committee approved in August the establishment and undertaking of a public contract for the “Operation and maintenance of the municipal street lighting network, support service and maintenance of luminaires” and a budget of 7.58 million euros (including VAT), as part of the tender process for the energy upgrade and automation of the street lighting system in the communities of the Municipality of Athens, with a total budget of 53.65 million euros and a total duration of 12 years.
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