Upgrading the urban mix in Amsterdam ‘Canal City’

Upgrading the urban mix in Amsterdam ‘Canal City’

For about fourteen years now, the rabbis of Amsterdam have been going out once a year to lock the Utrecht Bridge in the east of the city over the Ambetel River and the ‘Rosenord’ bridge of the train to pace the use of a ‘door’ made of nylon threads that serves as the city’s locking door. . Due to technical difficulties while pulling the ‘door’ properly according to Halacha, the Av Beit Din of Amsterdam and a member of the Standing Committee and the Great Court of the ‘European Rabbinical Conference’ Rabbi Eliezer Wolf turned to a municipal engineer and he found some engineers to make it easier for rabbis The plywood of the ‘door’.

A few days ago at midnight, a member of the Amsterdam Rabbinate, Rabbi Shmuel Katz, and the rabbi’s secretary, Rabbi Naftali Gronbat, headed by Rabbi Wolf and the city engineer, went out to close the door for a limited time. I could not turn your account into train traffic.

The Ga’a Wolf: ‘As is well known, in order for the mix to be’ proper ‘, the city must be surrounded on all sides, small by the’ shape of the opening ‘. In the canal city of Amsterdam, the city’s rabbis have for years sought to set up pillars and stretch their noses over them, as was done throughout Israel and the Diaspora, but due to the municipality’s opposition to establishing an ‘opening shape’ on the two gardens, two meters of the environment and our situation can not be place. The canal wall of the river, which forms a partition, was also disqualified due to the bridges and the movement of spacecraft and the people flowing over those who cancel the partition. In the 51 bridges that open to ship movements, it is not necessary to determine the ‘shape of the opening’, others also ‘a door that may be locked’, since the wall to the river opening is demarcated according to Halacha.

The halakhic surprise for the establishment of eruv by the ‘door worthy of a lock’ that was approved by the great arbitrators The special of the Agents Conference in Amsterdam; On both sides of the bridges were placed, operations in collaboration with municipal engineers and the railway company, properly assembled metal boxes with a pulley with intertwined nylon threads that are stretched to please men and constitute a ‘plywood door’, which may be locked. In order for the “door” to be “locked”, it was determined that it is really necessary to develop the packages and loosen the bridges across them a little once a year.

‘The halakhic solution to help with the’ door that deserves to be locked ‘is indeed a special voice for the circumstances of the city of Amsterdam due to the municipality’s opposition to installing the’ opening shape ‘on the other two fixed bridges and only what the great arbitrators allowed – says Rabbi Wolf –

It should be noted that ahead of the opening of the ‘European Rabbinical Conference’, a function is currently underway in Amsterdam four years ago, chaired by Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, head of the Hebron Yeshiva, Rabbi David Cohen, Rabbi Asher Weiss and Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau The participants in Europe held a special tribute to the Jewish community and the rabbis of the Eruv Initiative Conference in Amsterdam and to mark the tenth anniversary of its establishment in honor of the Amsterdam Municipality and the railway management who greatly assisted in its establishment.

At the ceremony, the participants received GRA Ralbag’s book on the eruv;



