Prague will have another tram loop. Its construction began under the South Link
Its construction follows the modernization of the Prague Hostivař – Prague Main Railway Corridor, within which a new Prague – Zahradní Město railway station is being built in Prague 10 and the Zahradní Město Railway Station stop directly below it for the transfer to tram and bus connections.
The Zahradní Město loop allows the carrier to bring to the new interchange all tram connections that have not yet operated at the Radošovická turnoff.
It will be built under the South Junction on the site of a former unused car park for towed vehicles. From the tram line in Švehlova Street, behind the Zahradní Město stops, at the site of the existing traffic lights with Topolova Street, DPP will build a turnoff to Ždánická Street, which will be led by a short double-track line.
The turning point in the Garden City was already there
Under the so-called rope bridge, it develops directly into a loop with two tracks. The inner one will have capacity for two sets, the outer track will fit one extra T3 solo car. The surfaces in the loop and on the track in Ždánická Street will be asphalt, in the places of the parking tracks threshing, the period as at the Kubánské náměstí turning point.
In the first stage, DPP will carry out the relocation of engineering networks, communication and energy cables, and preparatory work on the construction of its own new tram line. These activities will take place simply without any impact on the existing tram traffic.
“It is interesting that the tram loop returns to the Garden City after 34 years. The previous one served from 1936 to 1987, originally it was the final one just for the service of the Garden City, from 1954 the road on the extended line to Hostivař. It was canceled during the construction of the South Junction, and a ramp from the new road to Švehlova Street was built in its place, “said Jan Šurovský, a member of the DPP Board of Directors.
The estimated construction costs are 98 million crowns, 85 percent of eligible costs covering EU subsidies. In addition to the Zahradní Město loop, the Prague transport company wants to start building three more new sections this year, a total of almost four kilometers of new tram lines.