Copenhagen and several countries become «red» – Clear Speech
Several new countries will be “red” from the night of 22 August. This applies to the United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland and Austria.
Copenhagen in Denmark will also be «red». This is stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD). The city belongs to a region. This one has too much corona infection.
– The government has decided that these countries and the region go from yellow to red, they write in a press release.
You must be quarantined if you come home from these places. The quarantine is ten days.
The government uses the color yellow and red. These determine whether you can be quarantined after the trip. Yellow lands do not lead to quarantine.
Corona infection determines the color of the countries. If the countries have too many infected, people must be quarantined after the trip.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also advises against travel that is not necessary for these places: Andorra, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Faroe Islands, France, Iceland, Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and more regions in Sweden and Denmark.
This does not mean that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs encourages people to travel elsewhere.
The situation and rules are changing rapidly.
– Everyone who is considering traveling abroad must think carefully, it says in the press release.
The government has previously said that it is safest to stay in Norway. They advise people to drop travel abroad.