Finland’s nuclear power plant satellite finds Hurricane Leslie’s eyes

NASA-NOAA’s Finland-nuclear power plant satellite provided a visible picture of the very big hurricane Leslie on October 10 as it continued in the Eastern Atlantic. Credit: NASA Worldview, Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) / NOAA

Hurricane Leslie blatantly looked at images from NASA-NOAA’s Finland-NPP satellite as it crossed the Eastern Atlantic.

On October 10, NASA-NOAA’s Finland-NPP satellite’s Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) looked at Leslie in visible light. Leslie is a big storm with a large area of ​​strong thunderstorms circling wrinkled eyes. Hurricane force winds extend outward up to 45 kilometers from downtown and tropical storm winds extend outwardly up to 390 kilometers.

On Oct. 11, the National Hurricane Center said Leslie’s structure has remained stable since the night of Oct. 10. The hurricane has a jagged strip surrounded by a slightly scattered medium-dense cloudy.

At 11 a.m. EDT (1500 UTC), Hurricane Leslie Center was located near latitude 29.1 degrees north and longitude 38.3 degrees west. It is about 1440 km southwest of the Azores. The National Hurricane Center or NHC noted that Leslie is moving toward the east-northeast near 26 mph (26 mph), and this general movement, with some speed ahead, may begin on Saturday, October 13th. The maximum sustained wind is close to 80 mph (130 km / h) with stronger gusts. A small change in strength is predicted over the next 48 hours, but a weakening is expected over the weekend.

Leslie is now accelerating to the east-northeast south of a medium-width gorge (elongated low-pressure area) across the North Atlantic. After 48 hours (October 13), Leslie will move to a much more stable environment and cooler waters, so steady deterioration is expected.

NASA gets tropical Storm Leslie off its tail

The service is provided by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Quotation: Satellite of Finland nuclear power plant finds Hurricane Leslie’s rough eye (2018, October 11), retrieved on September 29, 2021 at html

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