Holandská 1051/46, Praha 101 00 (14/03/2022)

Holandská 1051/46, Praha 101 00 (14/03/2022)

Basic data

Street: Dutch
House number: no. 1051
reference number: 46
City: Prague
District: Prague 10
Part of the village: Vršovice
ZIP CODE: 101 00
district: Capital City of Prague
Region: Capital City of Prague
Region before 1960: Prague
Coordinates: S-JTSK y: 740535,27 x: 1045357,78
Length: 14.457194722222 Latitude: 50.069361944444
N: 50 ° 4 '9,703 "E: 14 ° 27' 25,901"


Businesses at

Companies registered in OR on this adress

Name of the subject ID subject Company type Court Spiš brand Data validity from - to
The company DICRE zs 22730605 Spolek - Tuzemska Municipal Court in Prague L 19173 1/1/2014 - 25.9.2014
Admireal sro 03128733 Limited Liability Company - Domestic Municipal Court in Prague C 227757 10/25/2016
Thao, zs 22871560 Spolek - Tuzemska Municipal Court in Prague L 70540 8/25/2016 - 9.6.2018
Owners Association Dutch 1051/46 03321576 Association of unit owners - Domestic Municipal Court in Prague S 15680 8/29/2014
Thao Fashion, Ltd. 05878110 Limited Liability Company - Domestic Municipal Court in Prague C 272307 3/3/2017 - 23.9.2019

Companies registered in RŽP on this adress

Name of the subject ID subject Enrolled in office Office number Total number of trades Active trades The first trade is registered on
Miroslav Kralik 13815865 Prague 10 District Office 310010 3 2 9/28/1992
Drahomíra KAJEROVÁ 67957617 Prague 10 District Office 310010 2 1 5/20/1998
Petr Bocksteffel 43917968 Prague 10 District Office 310010 3 2 1/18/1993
NUMIS-KIMEL SRO 03531643 Prague 10 District Office 310010 2 2 10/30/2014
Vladimir Gabriel 74987151 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 9/10/2009
Golf Development Ltd. 24210374 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 1/30/2012
Mgr. Jakub Skala 05881218 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 3/6/2017
Olga Kovalenko 05741777 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 0 1/23/2017
Lenka Adamová 00762881 Prague 10 District Office 310010 2 1 8/7/2012
Petr Metelka 88820319 Prague 10 District Office 310010 2 1 5/30/2012
Ing. Martin Brabec 06911838 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 2/28/2018
Maria Kovalets 87913666 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 6/8/2011
František Mojžíš 71558357 Prague 10 District Office 310010 3 2 7/13/2005
Eliška Budíková 07664320 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 11/21/2018
Admiestate sro 24700789 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 6/25/2010
Admireal sro 03128733 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 6/20/2014
Natalie Dawn Gray 74915908 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 9/1/2009
Jan Marek 01261827 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 11/28/2012
Kevin Buckley 76551482 Prague 10 District Office 310010 1 1 2/1/2010
Sergii Kovalenko 06888046 Prague 10 District Office 310010 2 1 2/21/2018

Persons at the given address

List of nearby addresses

  • Holandská 1052/52, Prague 101 00
  • Slovinská 1052/5, Prague 101 00
  • Konopišťská 1053/7, Prague 100 00
  • 28th Regiment 1054/16, Prague 101 00
  • 28th Regiment 1055/18, Prague 101 00
  • Konopišťská 1056/9, Prague 100 00
  • Sámova 1057/9, Prague 101 00
  • U vršovického nádraží 1057/22, Prague 101 00
  • Bulharská 1058/15, Prague 101 00
  • Žitomírská 1058/46, Prague 101 00
  • Konopišťská 1059/15, Prague 100 00
  • Ukrajinská 1060/19, Prague 101 00
  • Bulharská 1061/23, Prague 101 00
  • Bulharská 1062/25, Prague 101 00
  • Tolstého 1062/19, Prague 101 00
  • Tolstého 1063/21, Prague 101 00
  • Gruzínská 1064/8, Prague 100 00
  • Jerevanská 1064/7, Prague 100 00
  • Vršovická 1064/72, Prague 100 00
  • Gruzínská 1065/6, Prague 100 00

List of entities

  • OK REST as - 60193344 - Brno, Bohunická 519/24
  • DBK PRAHA as - 60193352 - Prague, Budejovicka 1667/64
  • INTERIER PRAHA as in liquidation - 60193379 - Prague, Komunardů 885/28
  • SVÚOM Praha as - 60193395 - Prague, U měšťanského pivovaru 934/4
  • ČSAD Slaný sro - 60193425 - Slaný, Lacinova 1366/10
  • ČSAD Benešov sro - 60193441 - Vlasim, Blanicka 960
  • MERO CR, as - 60193468 - Kralupy nad Vltavou, Veltruska 748
  • Pražská plynárenská, as - 60193492 - Prague, Národní 37/38
  • CEPRO, as - 60193531 - Praha, Delnicka 213/12
  • TEZAS as - 60193549 - Prague, Panelova 289/6
  • ÚVMV Consulting, as - 60193565 - Brno, Příkop 838/6
  • Equity Brokers as - 60193573 - Jinocany, Karlstejnska 9
  • INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES as - 60193581 - Prague, Podbabská 1112/13
  • MARK / BBDO, as - 60193611 - Prague, Krizikova 160/71
  • TTC TECHKOM CENTRUM, as - 60193638 - Prague, Tiskařská 257/10
  • CN Group CZ sro - 60193646 - Prague, Ve Smečkách 591/20
  • Regimen Bona, as in liquidation - 60193654 - Brno, Bratislavská 201/14
  • Vodohospodářské inženýrské služby, as - 60193689 - Prague, Křížová 472/47
  • Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, as - 60193697 - Prague, Lípová 511/15
  • ERGON as - 60193701 - Prague, Papírenská 180/1



