We take care of Prague waste from TSK. The city excluded the Prague service from the game
The Municipal Technical Administration (TSK) will take care of the collection of municipal waste in Prague instead of the Prague Services. The Prague councilors approved that they would so-called lease the part concerning the collection of municipal waste from the Prague services under the TSK. Prague is thus responding to a deal in which the minority shareholder Northward Holdings Limited (NHL) has sold its one-fifth stake in Prague Services to EP Industries. The majority shareholder of the company is Daniel Křetínský.
The price of the lease is not yet known. Only the commercial sphere of collection will remain in the Prague services. This was stated by Deputy Mayors Jiří Vávra (TOP 09) and Jiří Nouza (TOP 09).
The councilors also called for a general meeting of the Prague Services. It can be convened earlier in 21 days. Finally, he gives an opinion on the price of the lease. As soon as the price is known, the General Meeting will again meet the mandatory deadline and send the offer to TSK, which will accept it.
As the majority owner of Pražské služby, Prague has for years sought to control the company so that it can collect waste on its own. It offered 800 million for the share. It aimed to be able, in accordance with the law, to award contracts directly without a tender, so-called in-house.
The holding was acquired by Křetínský
Last week, a fifth owner, the NHL, said it would not sell its stake to the city. Daniel Křetínský holding EP Industries acquired through its waste company AVE CZ.
In the capital, Prague services take care of waste collection, TSK takes care of road maintenance. In the first half of the year, it increased its profit to 69.23 million crowns, the most profitable for the company being waste collection, on which it earned 79 million crowns in six months.